Different Types of Horse Fencing – Our Guide
John Bartalucci
Installing fencing for the purpose of housing horses can be expensive but necessary. The fence that you choose needs to be sturdy and secure enough to keep the animals inside. However, the tricky part is containing them without causing any injury to the creatures or having your fence become damaged when a horse crashes into it. The repair costs and veterinarian fees can put a dent in your bank account. You’ve got to choose the right horse fencing if you intend to make it worth your money. Here are a couple of types that you can consider:
Electric Fencing
One of the most affordable horse fence materials is electric wire, also known as rope fencing. Depending on the energizer as well as the type and quantity of strands used, the costs for this type of fence can vary. For example, a solar-powered fence costs next to nothing. Moreover, this type of fencing is the easiest to install and remove, which means that it can be appropriate for both temporary or permanent use. High-tensile wire, in particular, is great for permanent installations.
Pro Tip: Install a fence with bold, contrasting colors to make sure that it stands out. This way, the horses won’t run into it.
High-Tensile Polymer Fencing
Similar to a rail fence in appearance, a high-tensile polymer fence is made of vinyl plastic panels, with a few high-tensile steel wires surrounding them. Wires are spaced around sixteen to ninety feet apart. High-tensile polymer fences are also fairly solid with good visibility. These fences come in a wide variety of styles, which means that you can choose any design that suits your style best. Despite its plus sides, one drawback of these fences is that they need to be regularly tightened to keep their tension. Otherwise, they will become slack over time.
Rubber Fencing
Rubber fences are made from recycled tires and conveyor belts, which makes it one of the most environmental-friendly types of fencing. Even better, they are also cheap and easy to install. The materials are not too hard, and so they are safer for horses. However, rubber fences can be easy to stretch and are prone to slump over time, especially under extreme heat.
Pro Tip: Don’t use rubber fencing that has nylon threads as they can cause colic in horses when they chew on them.
Woven Wire Fencing
Woven wire fencing features a weave in a diamond net or square knot mesh pattern. This type of fencing can be more expensive than other types of fencing due to the galvanization, or the coating of zinc, which protects the fence from rusting. Another kind of woven wire fencing is barbed wire fencing. This option is more affordable but it can be hazardous for horses and, therefore, shouldn’t be one of your choices.
Wood Fencing
Wood fencing is one of the most expensive on the list. However, it requires minimal maintenance and is also long-lasting. This means that, ultimately, it can be worth the investment. The cheapest type of wooden fence is board fencing, which comes in varying thicknesses of wood.
Pro Tip: If you want to save more money, you can opt for recycled fencing or lumber. Another option is buying fencing in big batch sizes and setting it up all by yourself.
At Red Fox Fencing, we have teams of fencing experts who can answer any of your inquiries about fencing, get in touch today to see how we can help.