Things to Consider When Building a Tennis Court Fence
John Bartalucci
Tennis court fencing is essentially the sides of a giant box. Traditionally, the fences around a tennis court are rectangular barriers; however, it doesn’t always have to be set up this way. There are many ways to have tennis court fencing enclosures that will still provide safety. Even high barriers are not necessarily important to have around the tennis court.
Color Options
There is certain information you need to know when picking out the color of your tennis court fencing. You can have any color you want because there are no limitations. You can have yellow, pink, green, or whatever color you desire. It is suggested that you choose a color that goes well with the surrounding environment and that can easily be distinguished from the tennis ball. Some examples include a dark green color to go with the nearby greenery, or black to go with the mixed-colored areas such as residential ones. These two are the most popular colors because they will work best in a tennis court setting.
The fence will have to be as high as a tennis ball can bounce. It’s as simple as that! That being said, the height of your fencing will also depend on the surface of the tennis court. Some surfaces bounce higher than others. Tennis court fencing is normally built to withstand wind; however, if there are high winds around the court area, you should probably put up windshields or grow vines on the fence in order to protect it from heavy wind. Don’t forget to consider the weather and location of where the tennis court is so that you can be sure to place a stronger fence during the planning stage. This way, you’ll get to play tennis with ease and without having to worry about fencing problems.
Planning Ahead
You should plan well when it comes to tennis court fencing. It’s a lot of work, so you should make sure to consider all factors ahead of time. This includes any issues that may affect your court in the future. Have enough space to add courts if needed, to add windshields or grow vines over the fence, even after you have already installed it. You could even have double fencing by using lightning posts. Remember to take the measurements of the fence beforehand as well. Make sure you can get huge objects through gates and check the surroundings to see if trees or anything could hit and fall on the court in the case of harsh weather conditions. You should consider everything ahead of time with planning so that you won’t have to run into any major problems later.
You should be sure to keep your tennis court fencing neat and tidy. Hence, care for the fence you built by oiling the gate-bolts and hinges from time to time. Also, fix any holes that might appear in the chain wire fencing so that you don’t risk losing tennis balls. This can also stop people from trespassing. Repair any broken fence posts and untangle any curled-up chain wire. This should also be considered during the planning stage in order to prepare a decent drainage and sewage system around the fence to prevent your tennis court fencing from damage caused by corrosion or flooding.
A tennis fence has a lot more benefits than you’d think, so it’s in your best interest to go with whichever one offers you the best design and functionality. If you’re looking for a fencing company that can help you with this, Red Fox Fencing is your best option! Contact us today and see what type of services we can offer you.